Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So the prodigal son turned two on April 18th and has been working hard over the last several months to emotionally prepare us for the onslaught. I thought I would share some of the choicer incidents:

The scene... a cluttered dinner table at 6:30 p.m. Cayden has finished all the food I made and the couple pretzels I gave him.

C: More?
J: More what?
C: More pretzels.
J (looking for a please): How do we ask?
C (pointing imperiously to the kitchen): Mommy, GO GET THE PRETZELS!

The scene... a hectic morning around 7 a.m. as I attempt to get my son dressed in our living room

J: Cayden can I put on your pants please?
C: No pants! No pants!
J: All right, you can eat breakfast without pants. But you have to put them on before we go to school. (stands up and walks to kitchen to make said breakfast)
C: Pants! Pants!
J: If you really want your pants on, stand up and bring them to me in the kitchen. Then I will believe you and put your pants on.
C (stands up and brings his pants into the kitchen)
J (puts pants on Cayden)
C (falls to the floor and starts writhing): TAKE IT OFF!!!! TAKE IT OFF!!!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Following In His Cousins' Footsteps

We pulled out the train track Cayden's cousins bequeathed him for the first time today. An hour later Tyson found this on the table.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

That's a drawback?

And I repeat, "Warning, this mattress may not soak up vomit"

Friday, April 17, 2009

Sprayberries at the Old Pueblo

Our visit to sunny Tucson was as much fun as we had anticipated. Nay, more. We spent a couple of days reclining in the hills with JP&D on their lovely veranda, surrounded by lemons, stopping my son from completely destroying their very non-2yr-old-safe environment. It was very relaxing and very beautiful and David and I both sustained Wii related injuries from our Boom Blox marathon.

For the last few days of our stay we moved to J&K's house who made us feel so comfortable it was like we had never left. The night we got there was J's bday party and oddly enough a few of his guests also have blond 2 yr old boys. My kid was completely enamored with this development and they all ran around and caused havoc for hours.

Other highlights include:
  • Got some work done on the rental house.
  • Picked up a sunburn from 90 minutes spent outside.
  • Saw a formation of 4 FA-18s land at DM.
  • Took the boys swimming.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009