Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So the prodigal son turned two on April 18th and has been working hard over the last several months to emotionally prepare us for the onslaught. I thought I would share some of the choicer incidents:

The scene... a cluttered dinner table at 6:30 p.m. Cayden has finished all the food I made and the couple pretzels I gave him.

C: More?
J: More what?
C: More pretzels.
J (looking for a please): How do we ask?
C (pointing imperiously to the kitchen): Mommy, GO GET THE PRETZELS!

The scene... a hectic morning around 7 a.m. as I attempt to get my son dressed in our living room

J: Cayden can I put on your pants please?
C: No pants! No pants!
J: All right, you can eat breakfast without pants. But you have to put them on before we go to school. (stands up and walks to kitchen to make said breakfast)
C: Pants! Pants!
J: If you really want your pants on, stand up and bring them to me in the kitchen. Then I will believe you and put your pants on.
C (stands up and brings his pants into the kitchen)
J (puts pants on Cayden)
C (falls to the floor and starts writhing): TAKE IT OFF!!!! TAKE IT OFF!!!!!

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