Friday, April 17, 2009

Sprayberries at the Old Pueblo

Our visit to sunny Tucson was as much fun as we had anticipated. Nay, more. We spent a couple of days reclining in the hills with JP&D on their lovely veranda, surrounded by lemons, stopping my son from completely destroying their very non-2yr-old-safe environment. It was very relaxing and very beautiful and David and I both sustained Wii related injuries from our Boom Blox marathon.

For the last few days of our stay we moved to J&K's house who made us feel so comfortable it was like we had never left. The night we got there was J's bday party and oddly enough a few of his guests also have blond 2 yr old boys. My kid was completely enamored with this development and they all ran around and caused havoc for hours.

Other highlights include:
  • Got some work done on the rental house.
  • Picked up a sunburn from 90 minutes spent outside.
  • Saw a formation of 4 FA-18s land at DM.
  • Took the boys swimming.

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