Sunday, June 28, 2009

Cork Floors: Check

This weekend was a strange mix of old and new. Jordanna and I listened to NPR, demo'd a kitchen, had impromptu plumbing sessions, repaired some frightening construction, and installed a floor. For us this is like an extended date. It took us back to the heady days of Tucson remodeling and Yuri Gagarin. And then all of a sudden Cayden would come running through the construction zone trailing Nana or PopPop and we would remember that we actually live in PA and have a kid.

In point of fact, we would have gotten NOTHING done this weekend if JD's parents hadn't driven up Friday night to watch Cayden all weekend. They entertained him solidly from Friday evening till about 7pm on Sunday. I think I spent a total of 2 hours with my kid this weekend. That being said, we tore out our kitchen and began the remodel in earnest. As the pictures below will attest to.

Post cabinet demo, during the floor leveling

Tim chillin in the makeshift kitchen

For some reason our shopvac wasn't working very well...

JD's job was to trowel out adhesive, my job was to cut and lay tile

The finished product

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