Once upon a time, while on our honeymoon in Japan, I came across something that had enough pictures on the packaging that I could identify what it was. So I bought it immediately. This may sound silly to the traveler who has not experienced Japan but I assure you that after buying a "sandwich" consisting of spaghetti in a hogie roll you learn to purchase with discrimination.
Turns out it was a very cool snap together model of a Gundam Mobile Suit. I never really got into the whole "Gundam" thing (name someone who has, I dare you) but I like models and even more specifically models that do not require glue. So I bought the model in question, shipped it home to America at great personal cost that far exceeded its worth on Ebay, and finally got around last night to assembling the poor thing.
Here then is the assembling of the Mobile Suit XM in more detail than anyone really cares about.
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