Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My son loves Halloween. He remembers it from last year, which blows me away because he was only 2 1/2 years old. He sat outside with Tyson and handed out candy last year, obnoxiously telling the thirteen year old girls, "Now you say thank you. Say thank you!", and at the end of the night we rewarded his diligent manner instructing with a single piece of candy. His eyes grew wide and stared at us with a look on his face that clearly said, "You mean to say we have been GIVING THIS AWAY!". Round about June he came out of our back room babbling about kids looking silly and giving away and I stared in bewilderment at him until I realized that he was describing halloween to me and asking when that would happen again. I told him October and he wandered off. In August he started talking about halloween again, and by September I realized that we as a family would now be celebrating this holiday. How could I deny him? He is so excited. He decided that he wants to be a humpback whale, so after much discussion and thought I headed to the thrift store and got myself a blue denim curtain to turn into a whale (I am banking on the fact that three year olds can't tell whether or not they look ridiculous). Last night I started the costume and had him come into the back room and lay down on the curtain so I could trace out the whale pattern. He stood up and asked me about it, so I pointed out the head, flippers and tail to me. He pause, looking very thoughtful, then said, "But Mommy, I thought I was going to be a real humpback whale that could swim!".

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