Monday, October 18, 2010


Trust is a beautiful thing. As a parent I work hard to build a solid bond with my son so that he trusts me. The flip side of that coin however is the responsibility that goes along with a relationship built on trust. I'll give you an example.

Yesterday the whole family was out in the backyard working and playing. Jordanna and I were working and Cayden was playing. At one point I found a hook and part of a clothesline that were no longer in use. So I called Cayden over and tied it to the back belt-loop of his pants so he would have a tail. He really likes having a tail and the clothesline was a nice long 4 foot section of sturdy rope.

A couple of hours later he and I were standing under a tree and it occured to me that I could tie the end of his tail to a low hanging branch. So I did. As I was tying it he asked me why I was tying him to a tree. So without thinking I said "Because it's fun. Ready, now run!" Without a thought he grinnned widely and sprinted off. He made it about 4 good steps before the line went taut, yanked his hips out from underneath him and with a look of absolute shock he swung down and crashed into the ground flat on his face and belly. Much crying ensued. Not so much from pain but more from surprise. Jordanna witnessed the entire thing and was collapsed in a small ball trying not to laugh at my son's pain.

The lesson learned at Chez-Spray yesterday is twofold. Firstly, my son loves and trusts me enough that if I smile and tell him something is fun he will unquestioningly do it. That is indeed a very special thing. Secondly, tails are dangerous.

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