Sunday, January 23, 2011

Immunization Season

When I was knocked up with Cayden, I didn't get a flu shot because I've never gotten a flu shot and once every 5 years or do I get the flu. It just never seemed like a big deal to me. These days medical professionals seem to take it much more seriously, and under strong urging of my doctor and his nurses I hauled my butt to the local pharmacy to get the shot. In theory both I and the fetus are now protected, huzzah. Well, knowing that Ty already got a shot at school, I was feeling like we should probably get Cayden taken care of too. I called the pediatrician on Wednesday, then asked Ty to run Cayden over there after school. I had to stay at work s relegate the doctors visit to Ty.

So, Tyson picks Cayden up at school and tells him that they are going to go get a shot that will keep him from getting sick. Cayden is down with this idea, and gets pretty excited. For the twenty minutes they were in the waiting room, Cayden kept asking, "When are they going to call my name?" and "Is it time for my shot?". When they finally call Cayden's name, he cheerfully goes with Daddy into an exam room. A nurse promptly pokes him in the arm and gives him the shot, resulting in an indignant cry of "OOWWW!". But, he apparently took it well and was happy about the tweety bird bandaid. The ordeal over with, Ty and Cayden troop back down to the car and head home. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation, Cayden pipes up from the back, "Daddy.... the doctor wasn't as much fun as I thought is was going to be".


Vavo said...

Talk about one of life's rude awakenings!

Anonymous said...

are you expecting??? (In theory both I and the fetus are now protected, huzzah.)??

Holly M

Jordanna Sprayberry said...

Yup, we are knocked up! Due in July. How is your incubation going?