Thursday, February 20, 2014

Adventures of a Drama Queen: Episode # 129876

Setting the scene: Cayden and Dalton are running through the living room at top speed, as though their hair was on fire. Cayden stubs his toe.

C: AAAAHHHHH! AAAAAAHHHH! (rolls on floor producing blood curdling screams. BLOOD. CURDLING.)
T: Sweetheart, come here (gently prods injured toes)
T: Can you move it?
C: Yes
T: Bend it for me
C: It bends fine (in a completely calm and normal tone of voice)
T: I don't think it is broken.
C: Okay
J: You know son, the intensity of your screaming was completely out of proportion with the severity of your injury
T: Yeah honey, you were screaming like you had just broken an arm
C:……Yeah….. I'm okay with that.

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