Thursday, January 11, 2007

And we shall call him...


Mr. Twitchy. At least until he exits the uterus. That's right ladies and gentlemen, it is a boy and he moves constantly. This is no less than I deserve, seeing as I fractured three of my mother's ribs in utero. Many apologies that we did not get off our butts and post a holiday letter or send out a formal 'boy!' announcement. As usual, life remained incredibly busy and we grew incredibly lazy during our downtime. The holiday break from housework is officially over though. We are knee deep in a master bath remodel, which was kicked off by Zak and Tyson last week. The last of the yellow linoleum has left our lives (don't worry, we still have yellow asbestos tile!) and we are continuing our amiable argument about the best grout color to tie together the two shades of tile and cherry-esque vanity. I am pretty sure I will win this one, purely because I care more than Tyson does (out with earth, in with cinnamon!). We are accumulating pictures and will post them before the end of January, including new belly shots. Mr. Twitchy has under gone a growth spurt and I am recognizably pregnant to a small percentage of the population now. I just got back from a conference where I got to watch people who know me peripherally from grad school do double-takes as they passed me in the halls. Only two people had the gumption to ask right away. Kindly, I didn't respond with "what baby?". It was tempting, but it turns out I am nice. Who knew?

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