Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"Assuage your liberal guilt"


The title to this blog is in quotes, because it is lifted from an email that Kendra sent me. For those of you who didn't get it, she found a fantastic website that allows individuals to buy very reasonably priced carbon offsets for their daily lives (3$ a month for a small car). The hardest part of this pregnancy has been an almost paralyzing fear that I am bringing a child into a world that is doomed to chaos and destruction sooner than we think. I recognize that this is an extreme reaction, but at the same time if people (specifically Americans) don't wake up to the impact of their daily lives soon we are headed for trouble. As Ty tells me to get me to stop freaking out and delivering stress hormones to his baby, the best we can do is stay in education and try to live our lives as sustainably as possible. When I have more time (HA!) I want to add a 'Frugal Hippy' section to our website, detailing the affordable green strategies and products we have found. Anyway, check this site out as it has positive social and environmental impacts:


p.s. It is 10:30 and both my second breakfast and my lunch are gone.

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