Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Rodeo is Over


While we did not actually go see the rodeo, highlights of the weekend included teaching our friends that Arizona is WAY too pokey a place to walk around outside with bare feet, running charades, and Graefe putting on a motorcycle helmet and letting Tyson hit him in the head. All in all I would call is a raging success. We finally had a housewarming party. We had planned one in the fall, but it seemed pathetic and staged since we were inviting a bunch of people we didn't actually know. This way, our house was filled with people we love and we got to invite the friends we have been slowly making to meet our crazy friends. We figure it is a good filter. If the locals don't tactfully retreat, they are keepers.

It was, as always, hard to put everyone on a plane and say goodbye. We are incredibly blessed with a fantastic community of family and friends. Thanks to everyone who came! To those of you who couldn't make it, you were well missed and lovingly mocked in your absence.

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