Wednesday, December 26, 2007

In Maine...

[ty] The Day After Xmas, '07

We're here in Maine with Jordanna's sister and her family, my parents, and Jordanna's parents.  So far all has gone well and the children have been excellent.  We'll post some more extensive stories of the Frozen Lake Incident, how JD lost part of her toe, and The Time Tyson Fell Out of the Bus on the Highway Even Though We Weren't Moving Very Fast.

For now here are some pictures to tide everybody over.

Never mind.  Blogger doesn't want to upload the images.

1 comment:

Kendra said...


While we get that you've got a BABY and JOBS and all this other stuff, there are some of us out here who hang on your every word and are waiting for the stories synopsized in this entry. ENTERTAIN ME.