Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Overcoming Fears

After dinner the other night, I noticed that Cayden's diaper reeked of pee, so I decided to give him some naked time. The best thing for an ailing diapered butt is some time out of the diaper. So he trundles off while Ty and I are finishing up dinner. Less than 2 minutes later he come walking back through the kitchen making a, "dshuu?" inquisitive sound, while holding out this unidentified object in his hand. He was clearly trying to communicate, "Hey Mommy, check this out. What the hell is it?". I held out my hand, took the object in question and said, "Well son, you pooped", at which point he burst into tears. I am sure his terror of his own poop will make potty training much easier.


Anonymous said...

why did he cry? I don't get it ... help the soon to be mommy decode nubby's concern over the drama of his diaper free romp ...

hows your new house BTW?

: ) HM

Jordanna Sprayberry said...

I have no idea. We are contemplating encouraging more outside diaper pooping for the sole purpose of convincing him that it is OKAY TO POOP. We had a hysterical clean up scene in the bathroom trying to sanitize his hands, my hands, wipe his butt, and give him comforting snuggles all at once.

Kendra said...

Have their been inappropriate dog or cat poops? Chances are his diaper free poops resemble dog or cat poops a lot more than his ones. If you guys are anything like me then having an animal poop in your house kind of makes me want to cry and freak out too, so he may have learned it there.