Friday, June 05, 2009

The Ups and Downs of Two

Cayden and I have been engaged in epic battles lately. One minute we are making up silly games and laughing our head off, the next he is slapping me and crying. Don't get me wrong, he is a ridiculously well behaved and easy to reason with two year old. We are terrified at the idea of taking on another child, because we haven't accumulated enough good karma to win the lottery twice. Its just that two is, quite literally, an insane age. You can see his emotions and thoughts accumulating inside his head until they need to explode. On a good day, the explosion is laughter and goofiness. On a bad day Mommy has to remind herself NOT TO HIT THE BABY BACK.

Last night at dinner Cayden was playing peek-a-boo with his blanket, throwing it over his head, then tearing if off and laughing hysterically. After about 5 iterations of this behavior, he yanks off the blanket, giggles and says, "I a little funny. Cayden is a little funny". If you want to know what me snorting pizza through my nose looks like, you should join us for dinner sometime.


Toadstool Knittery said...

I am very good at casually snorting coffee through my nose, so I guess I would make the perfect guest! =)

Jordanna Sprayberry said...

If you are ever state-side, I will happily feed you.