Monday, March 29, 2010

A Born Showman

So, as you who read the blog already know, Cayden has been learning to use the potty for the past 6 months. He has been doing really well for the past month, at least he was until Zak and Kendra came to visit. The emotional trauma of their departure has led to a bit of a regression in his potty skills, which sets the stage for our story...

... Once upon a time, in a land called the JCC, two lovely ladies taught a class full of 2 and 3 year olds. A little boy named Cayden attended this class. One day he had b.m. accident so bad, it got on the floor. The lovely teachers had a choice to make. Do they clean Cayden first? Or the floor? One teacher set about minding the other children, while the remaining teacher scooped Cayden up and put him on the change table. Unfortunately, one of the remaining children sprinted by and slipped on Cayden's mess, falling on her back into the b.m. The little boy Cayden, a born showman, chose this moment to stand up on the change table (partially disrobed and not entirely clean) and proclaim, "This is my HAPPY FACE!". The moral of this story? Go thank a child care provider.

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