Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Night-time Visitor

In general, Cayden is a very good sleeper. He goes to bed on his own and he is pretty tolerant of our "no going downstairs before 7 am on Saturday" and "no snuggling in Mommy and Daddy's bed before 5 am" rules. A couple of times a week he will come in to our room at 1 am and in a stage whisper ask, "Is it five oclock?". Last night he came in at midnight and woke me with his "whispered" question. I said no and he asked if I could pat and rub his back in his bed. So I hauled my butt out of bed, tucked him in, and patted his back, and trundled back to bed. 1:58 rolls around and my visitor had come back! I told him it still wasn't five and he asked if I could patt and rub him. Now, we are a two-parent family and this is the second visit in a single night, so I told him to ask Daddy. I hear the pitter-patter of little feet running to the other side of our bed and Cayden's whispered question, "Daddy, can Mommy take me back to bed and pat me and rub me?". My husband's response: "Of course she can sweetheart".


Anonymous said...

I cannot describe how hard I am laughing! Up there with defective yeti.

Jordanna Sprayberry said...

The only reason I got out of bed was that I laughed hard enough to wake myself up.