By Special Request
Tyson wanted me to record for posterity what I ate yesterday:
1 big bowl of cereal
2 eggs, over-easy
1 asian pear
5 whole wheat saltines
(it is now 10 am)
1 bowl of white beans, sausage and kale
another 5-10 saltines
1 jona-gold apple (so much better than the romes i got last week)
another 5-10 saltines
1/2 pint of Dreyers rocky road ice cream
handful of grapes
2 morning star fake chicken patty sandwiches
(with lettuce and tomato on a whole wheat bun)
handful of potato chips
ummmm, the baby's growing?
Friday, October 27, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Bomb Scare
Like most people I have a routine for the first hour of work every morning. First I refill my coffee mug from my thermos, then I go make copies for my classes for the day, then I go up to the office to check my mailbox and collect my attendance folder. Today, for whatever reason, I went up to the office first fully intending to fill my coffee mug upon my return. It was not to be. As I got up to the main office I noticed a police car go flying by in the bus turnaround with all its lights on. When I was in high school that meant that someone had gotten hurt and the ambulance was on its way. Nowadays the sight of a lit up squad car on campus means you should get indoors fast and try to keep low and behind cover as you go. Not good.
Sure enough, a bomb threat had been called in to the local police and the students and staff had all been evacuated out to the athletic fields. I headed out to the fields and spent the next 2 hours trying to discourage students from escaping to the parking lot. They brought in 5 K-9 units, sniffed the entire school top to bottom, and around 10:00 declared school back in business.
Now, a brief word on high school students need be said here. My students will come to class and complain that they are SOOO tired that they really absolutely need a 30 min nap before they can be expected to do anything productive in class. But given the opportunity to doze in the beautiful AZ autumn sun for 2 hours instead of being in class all they do is wander around and complain that they should be allowed to walk the 7 miles home. Damn kids.
So all is well and I've spent the last hour pestering Zak on IM as he tries valiantly to make multicolored scarves. He's a strange man.
Like most people I have a routine for the first hour of work every morning. First I refill my coffee mug from my thermos, then I go make copies for my classes for the day, then I go up to the office to check my mailbox and collect my attendance folder. Today, for whatever reason, I went up to the office first fully intending to fill my coffee mug upon my return. It was not to be. As I got up to the main office I noticed a police car go flying by in the bus turnaround with all its lights on. When I was in high school that meant that someone had gotten hurt and the ambulance was on its way. Nowadays the sight of a lit up squad car on campus means you should get indoors fast and try to keep low and behind cover as you go. Not good.
Sure enough, a bomb threat had been called in to the local police and the students and staff had all been evacuated out to the athletic fields. I headed out to the fields and spent the next 2 hours trying to discourage students from escaping to the parking lot. They brought in 5 K-9 units, sniffed the entire school top to bottom, and around 10:00 declared school back in business.
Now, a brief word on high school students need be said here. My students will come to class and complain that they are SOOO tired that they really absolutely need a 30 min nap before they can be expected to do anything productive in class. But given the opportunity to doze in the beautiful AZ autumn sun for 2 hours instead of being in class all they do is wander around and complain that they should be allowed to walk the 7 miles home. Damn kids.
So all is well and I've spent the last hour pestering Zak on IM as he tries valiantly to make multicolored scarves. He's a strange man.
The Cat is Out of the Bag
In a classic maneuver, Zak Pelo(Joa)quin outed Steve and Paula yesterday afternoon. Paula quickly confirmed the rumours that she and Steve are indeed engaged. I talked to her yesterday morning and didn't want to post anything on the blog until they made the news public (but yes, this is what #3 from yesterday's post was about). For those of you who don't know, Paula and Steve are close friends of ours. I met Tyson and Paula together at a sea turtle conference, and we were fairly inseparable after that. Paula also served as our minister. Zak used to work with Steve and introduced him to us. Steve is a marveluous guy, who exhibits the rare and wonderful combination of being very jolly and having a sick sense of humour. They are perfect for each other and I couldn't be happier. I think we should all raise a glass, and toast the fabulous event that brought them together: consumption of the Tim Henry Margarita, hand crafted by Tim Henry himself.
In a classic maneuver, Zak Pelo(Joa)quin outed Steve and Paula yesterday afternoon. Paula quickly confirmed the rumours that she and Steve are indeed engaged. I talked to her yesterday morning and didn't want to post anything on the blog until they made the news public (but yes, this is what #3 from yesterday's post was about). For those of you who don't know, Paula and Steve are close friends of ours. I met Tyson and Paula together at a sea turtle conference, and we were fairly inseparable after that. Paula also served as our minister. Zak used to work with Steve and introduced him to us. Steve is a marveluous guy, who exhibits the rare and wonderful combination of being very jolly and having a sick sense of humour. They are perfect for each other and I couldn't be happier. I think we should all raise a glass, and toast the fabulous event that brought them together: consumption of the Tim Henry Margarita, hand crafted by Tim Henry himself.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
October 24th, Not Just the Day Afer Mole Day
Today has been a FANTASTIC day for three reasons:
1. I do not have a headache. I developed a sinus headache Sunday afternoon in Ikea (I know, I was asking for it), and within hours I was useless. I woke up Monday with the same headache, and tried to go to work where it progressively got worse. I left after several hours and went on a mission to find a Neti Pot, which I located at walgreens (who would have thunk it). The finer points of using a Neti Pot can be found here:
I did not come up with this lunatic idea on my own, Kendra swears by it. One day and four sinus irrigations later, so do I.
2. I found out that my behavior paper was accepted! For scientist folks, this is a very exciting event. For me it is a particularly exciting event. This is the second paper I have submitted. The first has been going through submission and review for over two years, and the process has been so intense I have considered quiting research. The second manuscript, however, sailed through with very little contention and was officially accepted for publication today. Huzzah!
3. I got wonderful, exciting, fantastic news about people I love and I CAN'T SHARE IT YET!!! I will expound on my joys about this news at a later date.
p.s. Mole Day, contrary to popular belief, is not a holiday to celebrate lawn rodents. Naturally, it is a holiday to commemorate Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10^23).
Today has been a FANTASTIC day for three reasons:
1. I do not have a headache. I developed a sinus headache Sunday afternoon in Ikea (I know, I was asking for it), and within hours I was useless. I woke up Monday with the same headache, and tried to go to work where it progressively got worse. I left after several hours and went on a mission to find a Neti Pot, which I located at walgreens (who would have thunk it). The finer points of using a Neti Pot can be found here:
I did not come up with this lunatic idea on my own, Kendra swears by it. One day and four sinus irrigations later, so do I.
2. I found out that my behavior paper was accepted! For scientist folks, this is a very exciting event. For me it is a particularly exciting event. This is the second paper I have submitted. The first has been going through submission and review for over two years, and the process has been so intense I have considered quiting research. The second manuscript, however, sailed through with very little contention and was officially accepted for publication today. Huzzah!
3. I got wonderful, exciting, fantastic news about people I love and I CAN'T SHARE IT YET!!! I will expound on my joys about this news at a later date.
p.s. Mole Day, contrary to popular belief, is not a holiday to celebrate lawn rodents. Naturally, it is a holiday to commemorate Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10^23).
Thursday, October 19, 2006
When New Appliances Go Wrong
Shortly before our move, our beloved bread machine started to make creaking and groaning noises akin to a haunted house in a low budget horror flick. We decided to leave it behind and invest in a good Cuisinart convection bread maker. My first experiment with the delay timer went less than smoothly. Turns out that the bread pan can *look* like it is snapped in, but really be floating on top of the gear that causes the paddle to actually spin and knead the bread. We woke up two days ago to the fragrant smell of fresh herb bread, and found this:
Shortly before our move, our beloved bread machine started to make creaking and groaning noises akin to a haunted house in a low budget horror flick. We decided to leave it behind and invest in a good Cuisinart convection bread maker. My first experiment with the delay timer went less than smoothly. Turns out that the bread pan can *look* like it is snapped in, but really be floating on top of the gear that causes the paddle to actually spin and knead the bread. We woke up two days ago to the fragrant smell of fresh herb bread, and found this:

Friday, October 13, 2006
Addendum to Ty's Yoga Tirade
I learned two things at yoga last night:
1. I can no longer lay on my stomach. The 30 seconds I spent trying resulted in 15 straight minutes of intestinal and uterine cramping. Given that my belly is the same size it was 5 weeks ago, I was a bit surprised. Apparently the uterus:bloating ratio is increasing.
2. We should head to the BACK of the room. Yoga +Pregnant Lady = Lots and Lots of Gas (this is one of those pregnancy symptoms I had heard of and scoffed at, assuming it couldn't be that bad. As I long time sufferer of IBS, I can confirm that no matter how prepared you feel, it is that bad.)
I learned two things at yoga last night:
1. I can no longer lay on my stomach. The 30 seconds I spent trying resulted in 15 straight minutes of intestinal and uterine cramping. Given that my belly is the same size it was 5 weeks ago, I was a bit surprised. Apparently the uterus:bloating ratio is increasing.
2. We should head to the BACK of the room. Yoga +Pregnant Lady = Lots and Lots of Gas (this is one of those pregnancy symptoms I had heard of and scoffed at, assuming it couldn't be that bad. As I long time sufferer of IBS, I can confirm that no matter how prepared you feel, it is that bad.)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Yoga For Dummies
Tonight JD and I went to our first pre-natal yoga class. Technically it's just a beginner Hatha yoga class, but we figure any yoga is good yoga. It's located "downtown" in a really nice space with light brown flooring, many many fans, and a kind of shrine that the yoga lady sits in front of while she tortures you. So we got there 10 minutes early to fill out a liability waiver and list medical history. After 5 hard years of martial arts I've given up listing my ailments and simply write "Wide variety of bone, muscle, tendon, ligament, and ego damage. Nothing debilitating."
Anyway, we get our complementary yoga mats and navaho wool blankets and stake out some territory on the edge of the space. I have NO idea how to warm up for yoga so I stick with what I know and try out a few jump spin kicks. Not a popular option. After a few minutes Yoga Lady asks us to find a comfortable sitting position and concentrate on our breathing. I comply and sit indian style and begin to take deep breaths. Immediately my leg cramps. Crap. This is not going to go well for me.
Over the next hour we progress from sitting, to standing, to kneeling, to laying down, to rolling over, etc etc. Some of the positions were absolutely excrutiating and I distinctly remember one particular position called the twist. Begin by laying down. Nice. Now, while staring at the ceiling and wondering if anyone has noticed that you're chewing gum lift and extend your left leg. Excellent. Cross your right leg on top of your left leg as if you were sitting down and crossing your legs. Good. Now, if you can, wrap your right foot under your left calf as if it had no bones in it that would prevent such a thing. Now gently lower your leg to the ground and touch your foot to the floor. At this point, I was so lost I looked over at Yoga Lady to see which foot was supposed to be approaching the ground and Bride of Gumby that she was I COULDN'T TELL by simply observing. Her legs were all twisted up like a licorice stick. So I gave up and concentrated on breathing again.
After 55 minutes of adventurous pain she released us from our most recent contortion and gave a command that sounded for all the world like "Ok people, Shabazz Time." All the women around us (the class was 95% female) lay down on their backs and pulled their blankets around them as Yoga Lady went around and turned off the lights. Nap time! Sweet! For the next ?10? minutes we relaxed and practiced meditating. Not a bad deal.
So that was it. To be honest I enjoyed it quite a bit. Stretching has always been my personal athletic demon and having someone walk me through the painful painful process is really the only way it gets done. It's kind of funny to hear the Yoga Lady saying "Now, if any of this hurts just relax and find what your body feels is comfortable" while I'm over in the corner shaking, swearing a blue streak to myself, and pushing just a little harder to get the most out of it. We agreed that we should be going a couple of times a week to keep JD healthy and me entertained.
Oh yeah, and we finished tiling the bathroom today. Pics to follow.
Tonight JD and I went to our first pre-natal yoga class. Technically it's just a beginner Hatha yoga class, but we figure any yoga is good yoga. It's located "downtown" in a really nice space with light brown flooring, many many fans, and a kind of shrine that the yoga lady sits in front of while she tortures you. So we got there 10 minutes early to fill out a liability waiver and list medical history. After 5 hard years of martial arts I've given up listing my ailments and simply write "Wide variety of bone, muscle, tendon, ligament, and ego damage. Nothing debilitating."
Anyway, we get our complementary yoga mats and navaho wool blankets and stake out some territory on the edge of the space. I have NO idea how to warm up for yoga so I stick with what I know and try out a few jump spin kicks. Not a popular option. After a few minutes Yoga Lady asks us to find a comfortable sitting position and concentrate on our breathing. I comply and sit indian style and begin to take deep breaths. Immediately my leg cramps. Crap. This is not going to go well for me.
Over the next hour we progress from sitting, to standing, to kneeling, to laying down, to rolling over, etc etc. Some of the positions were absolutely excrutiating and I distinctly remember one particular position called the twist. Begin by laying down. Nice. Now, while staring at the ceiling and wondering if anyone has noticed that you're chewing gum lift and extend your left leg. Excellent. Cross your right leg on top of your left leg as if you were sitting down and crossing your legs. Good. Now, if you can, wrap your right foot under your left calf as if it had no bones in it that would prevent such a thing. Now gently lower your leg to the ground and touch your foot to the floor. At this point, I was so lost I looked over at Yoga Lady to see which foot was supposed to be approaching the ground and Bride of Gumby that she was I COULDN'T TELL by simply observing. Her legs were all twisted up like a licorice stick. So I gave up and concentrated on breathing again.
After 55 minutes of adventurous pain she released us from our most recent contortion and gave a command that sounded for all the world like "Ok people, Shabazz Time." All the women around us (the class was 95% female) lay down on their backs and pulled their blankets around them as Yoga Lady went around and turned off the lights. Nap time! Sweet! For the next ?10? minutes we relaxed and practiced meditating. Not a bad deal.
So that was it. To be honest I enjoyed it quite a bit. Stretching has always been my personal athletic demon and having someone walk me through the painful painful process is really the only way it gets done. It's kind of funny to hear the Yoga Lady saying "Now, if any of this hurts just relax and find what your body feels is comfortable" while I'm over in the corner shaking, swearing a blue streak to myself, and pushing just a little harder to get the most out of it. We agreed that we should be going a couple of times a week to keep JD healthy and me entertained.
Oh yeah, and we finished tiling the bathroom today. Pics to follow.
Monday, October 09, 2006
It's An Alien!!
This morning we went to the perinatal wing of St. Joe's hospital for our Nuchal Transparency scan. For those of you who aren't up on your Prenatal Testing Technology its basically a sonogram with the specific purpose of looking at the thickening of the kid's neck folds. In theory you can combine information gleaned from the test with some blood work and end up with good information on the possibility of trisomy disorders (down syndrome, etc).
Anyway, it was a great excuse to get an early sonogram and marvel at the little vertebra, opposable thumbs, and alien-like head structure. We also got to check out Jordanna's ovaries which, in my professional medical opinion, looked up to the task of producing quality children.
After we left the Perinatal wing we headed over to the Emergency room, for the second time in two days, to try and find a cure for Tyson's random allergic reaction to ??????. I woke up this morning with a swollen face and arms so we figured if I hadn't died by the time the sonogram was over we could head over to the Triage nurse and get some antihistamines. Mission accomplished and I spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on our couch sleeping off the Benedryl shot.
In other exciting news we finished painting the main room and our new fridge was delivered today.
This morning we went to the perinatal wing of St. Joe's hospital for our Nuchal Transparency scan. For those of you who aren't up on your Prenatal Testing Technology its basically a sonogram with the specific purpose of looking at the thickening of the kid's neck folds. In theory you can combine information gleaned from the test with some blood work and end up with good information on the possibility of trisomy disorders (down syndrome, etc).
Anyway, it was a great excuse to get an early sonogram and marvel at the little vertebra, opposable thumbs, and alien-like head structure. We also got to check out Jordanna's ovaries which, in my professional medical opinion, looked up to the task of producing quality children.
After we left the Perinatal wing we headed over to the Emergency room, for the second time in two days, to try and find a cure for Tyson's random allergic reaction to ??????. I woke up this morning with a swollen face and arms so we figured if I hadn't died by the time the sonogram was over we could head over to the Triage nurse and get some antihistamines. Mission accomplished and I spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on our couch sleeping off the Benedryl shot.
In other exciting news we finished painting the main room and our new fridge was delivered today.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
We have a heartbeat!
We went in for our 12 week checkup yesterday, and doctor #2 found the heartbeat of The Sorlet. Doctor #1 is our doctor, and she is fantastic. She is, however, a resident and had a hard time locating the little ticker. Of course, doctor #2 had no cumpunctions about bouncing the little dopple probe off my spine (from the front of my belly), which may explain his greater success. Apparently the little bugger was hiding (a good sign, I'm sure). The fast little whoosh-whoosh is a sure signthat this pregnancy is not a figment of my imagination! Thank god, because I have already gained 5 pounds. Given how much I have been eating, I thought that was a little low.
We went in for our 12 week checkup yesterday, and doctor #2 found the heartbeat of The Sorlet. Doctor #1 is our doctor, and she is fantastic. She is, however, a resident and had a hard time locating the little ticker. Of course, doctor #2 had no cumpunctions about bouncing the little dopple probe off my spine (from the front of my belly), which may explain his greater success. Apparently the little bugger was hiding (a good sign, I'm sure). The fast little whoosh-whoosh is a sure signthat this pregnancy is not a figment of my imagination! Thank god, because I have already gained 5 pounds. Given how much I have been eating, I thought that was a little low.
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