Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October 24th, Not Just the Day Afer Mole Day

Today has been a FANTASTIC day for three reasons:

1. I do not have a headache. I developed a sinus headache Sunday afternoon in Ikea (I know, I was asking for it), and within hours I was useless. I woke up Monday with the same headache, and tried to go to work where it progressively got worse. I left after several hours and went on a mission to find a Neti Pot, which I located at walgreens (who would have thunk it). The finer points of using a Neti Pot can be found here: http://www.jalanetipot.com/how.html
I did not come up with this lunatic idea on my own, Kendra swears by it. One day and four sinus irrigations later, so do I.

2. I found out that my behavior paper was accepted! For scientist folks, this is a very exciting event. For me it is a particularly exciting event. This is the second paper I have submitted. The first has been going through submission and review for over two years, and the process has been so intense I have considered quiting research. The second manuscript, however, sailed through with very little contention and was officially accepted for publication today. Huzzah!

3. I got wonderful, exciting, fantastic news about people I love and I CAN'T SHARE IT YET!!! I will expound on my joys about this news at a later date.

p.s. Mole Day, contrary to popular belief, is not a holiday to celebrate lawn rodents. Naturally, it is a holiday to commemorate Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10^23).

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