Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Bomb Scare


Like most people I have a routine for the first hour of work every morning. First I refill my coffee mug from my thermos, then I go make copies for my classes for the day, then I go up to the office to check my mailbox and collect my attendance folder. Today, for whatever reason, I went up to the office first fully intending to fill my coffee mug upon my return. It was not to be. As I got up to the main office I noticed a police car go flying by in the bus turnaround with all its lights on. When I was in high school that meant that someone had gotten hurt and the ambulance was on its way. Nowadays the sight of a lit up squad car on campus means you should get indoors fast and try to keep low and behind cover as you go. Not good.

Sure enough, a bomb threat had been called in to the local police and the students and staff had all been evacuated out to the athletic fields. I headed out to the fields and spent the next 2 hours trying to discourage students from escaping to the parking lot. They brought in 5 K-9 units, sniffed the entire school top to bottom, and around 10:00 declared school back in business.

Now, a brief word on high school students need be said here. My students will come to class and complain that they are SOOO tired that they really absolutely need a 30 min nap before they can be expected to do anything productive in class. But given the opportunity to doze in the beautiful AZ autumn sun for 2 hours instead of being in class all they do is wander around and complain that they should be allowed to walk the 7 miles home. Damn kids.

So all is well and I've spent the last hour pestering Zak on IM as he tries valiantly to make multicolored scarves. He's a strange man.

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