Monday, October 09, 2006

It's An Alien!!


This morning we went to the perinatal wing of St. Joe's hospital for our Nuchal Transparency scan. For those of you who aren't up on your Prenatal Testing Technology its basically a sonogram with the specific purpose of looking at the thickening of the kid's neck folds. In theory you can combine information gleaned from the test with some blood work and end up with good information on the possibility of trisomy disorders (down syndrome, etc).

Anyway, it was a great excuse to get an early sonogram and marvel at the little vertebra, opposable thumbs, and alien-like head structure. We also got to check out Jordanna's ovaries which, in my professional medical opinion, looked up to the task of producing quality children.

After we left the Perinatal wing we headed over to the Emergency room, for the second time in two days, to try and find a cure for Tyson's random allergic reaction to ??????. I woke up this morning with a swollen face and arms so we figured if I hadn't died by the time the sonogram was over we could head over to the Triage nurse and get some antihistamines. Mission accomplished and I spent the rest of the afternoon curled up on our couch sleeping off the Benedryl shot.

In other exciting news we finished painting the main room and our new fridge was delivered today.

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