Friday, July 13, 2007

5 Nights and Counting

[jd - 13 July]

This morning marked the fifth time in a row that Cayden slept through the night! Granted it was only 7 hours, the previous 4 nights he had slept 8 to 8 1/2 hours. Even so, I'll take it! I haev two friends with babies who are 4-6 weeks older than Cayden. Each of them told me that the first time their babies (Ian and Lilly) slept 8 hours they woke up in a panic. I laughed at them, thinking they should be grateful for how much sleep they got. Of course, I woke up Monday morning leaking milk everywhere and ran into Cayden's room convinced he was dead. However, on the second night I was grateful for the extra sleep. Cayden is also sleeping in his big boy crib (I'll add a picture to this post when I get the camera to talk to my laptop) as af 5 days ago. Apparently all he needed to sleep longer was to stop kicking the sides of his bassinet, go figure.


Anonymous said...

hey sprayberries, hope you are enjoying the kid. we are enjoying ours. was the birth, not the most horrific and beautiful event ever?

Sprayberry said...

Yes to both! We are definitely enjoying the kid, he is a riot! Can't wait to meet Ava next time we are in Seattle.