Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well, the madness has abated some what, with the exception of our jet lagged and exhausted progeny who is still going to bed at nine and sleeping for 13 hours. We finished our insane drive and recovered our son from three adoring grandparents, who threatened to write a guest post with all their videos of Cayden romping in the ocean (we both love and hate them for taking him to the beach for the first time without us). Unfortunately, technology appears to have defeated them. Real conversation between me and my mom:
me: You bought him a boogie board? Does he ride it?
mom: Oh god no. He likes to watch it bob in the waves. We are trying to get him to let us attach the leash to his wrist.
Shortly after stealing Cayden back in Philadelphia, we picked up the Walshies and headed to Seattle for wedding fest '08 as a party of five. There will be many stories to follow, unless we get caught up in the insanity of starting new jobs. In which case you will get new stories and have to come visit us to hear the old ones. Needless to say there was much carousing, baby snuggling, wedding dress alterating (no I'm not kidding), laughing, and it turns out I love Chocolate Martinis. Who knew?


Anonymous said...

You guys are never taking the bait... so, NOT fun... come on... I want to tempt you w/fun hints as to who is tracking you... come on now!!!!

Sprayberry said...

oh we discuss it amongst ourselves. We just haven't agreed on your likely identity : )