Saturday, December 03, 2011
Friday, December 02, 2011
Not quite there yet...
J: Okay sweetie.
C: .... Will you help me?
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Career Plans
Saturday, November 12, 2011
I Found A Motor!!
I found a Motor!! After removing the motor from my defunct washer I had an ecstatic, overwhelming feeling of accomplishment and purpose that had absolutely no correlation to the easy 7 minute job. I was elated but confused. Then it occurred to me.
Video gaming. So many years of video gaming. Countless hours spent hunting for motors to open gates, turn on power, run the generator, get the alarm system back on, fix the automatic door mechanism, power up the robot, run the tram, turn on the lights, etc.
So now it's on a shelf. Waiting for the right mission to come up. Call me pathetic if you will but when the turrets work again, the electric defense grid goes green and the communication system comes back online you'll know who to thank.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
So much wasted time...
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Tyson's Sons
Ty: How do you feel about your brother sleeping in your room for the first time tonight?
Cayden: ( laughs) yeah! Soon he will be big and when he wakes up in the middle of the night he will say, "Cayden, why don't we play some games?"
JD: and you will be a responsible big brother and say,"mommy and daddy want us to go to back to sleep"
Cayden: No, I'll say, "sure Dalton!".
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Literal Thinker
Nana: Cayden, I found a picture of a Great Horned Owl. Come and see it.
Cayden: Ummm, Nana... that owl doesn't have horns.
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
You know you are lactating when...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The brothers are awesome. I am so excited to watch this relationship continue to develop. Two days ago Dalton smiled for the first time at a person, and was it the woman who feeds, snuggles and cares for him 24/7? No, of course not. It was his brother...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Tuesday, August 02, 2011
Poop Antics
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dalton Timothy Henry Sprayberry
SR-71 Blackbird
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Hey Buddy...
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Seeking the Perfect Speed
Really really fast Daddy. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!
Okay, now slow. No faster. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!
Okay medium fast. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!
Okay medium slow fast. Too fast! Too fast! Stop!
Of course Daddy only has one speed, so all his efforts were in vain...
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
iPad Test
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The teen years are going to be so awesome.
Monday, May 16, 2011
After years of asking Cayden "Can I shave your head?" and years of him answering " thanks." he finally agreed. With enthusiasm. In the middle of dinner. So I bundled him into the bathroom and shaved him down to the sound of my wife quietly sobbing in the other room.
It may or may not stand the test of time as a hairdoo that suits him but for the next couple of months of new baby, summertime pools, sweaty kid heads, and beach bumming, it'll certainly be easier than the Neo-Beatles look he's been sporting since he could grow hair.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Add another one to the list
T: So we gonna get a little swimming in?
J: Yeah.
Ty: Awesome. I'll stay with you to protect you. Make sure no one tries to harpoon you.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Yarn Swift Take 2
As you may (or may not) know my wife has a very sensitive sense of smell. So much so that when I used a combination stain and seal on the yarn swift I made her for Xmas she thanked me, smiled sweetly and then asked me to put it outside because it was giving her a headache.
So 4 months later I have finally gotten around to removing the old stain/seal and putting on a slightly less chemically offensive finish.
I sanded off all the old stuff (2 coats of it) with a random orbital sander and then smoothed it back out by hand, starting with 150 and finishing with 400 grit. The old finish didn't come off completely so what was left gave it a "distressed" type look which I would never go through the trouble to achieve but liked anyway.
To protect the wood (poplar) I put on a couple of coats of Myland's wax ( I like the wax because it dries fast, is completely non-toxic, and leaves a beautiful protective shine on the wood.
So this morning The Wifey spun out 440 yards of lace weight yarn into a nice tight ball in less than 5 minutes. Sweet!
Monday, April 04, 2011
Child Update
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Wonders of Technology
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Sprayberry Reality TV Update: Return of the Bionic Man
phone rings
J; The answer is chocolate
T: The answer is I blew out my other knee.
J: Are you serious?
T: Why would I joke about that?
Sadly it is true, within one week of being told that I am not allowed to lift anything heavier than 15-20 lbs, Tyson shredded his right knee. This has led to an increasing opportunity for the absurd yet comical in our house. For example, I have a strict policy of never feeding our cats. You know why? Feed them once and they harass you for at least a month. Then, I cease to like my cats and begin viewing them as likely targets for a well-timed kick (so far I have resisted). The only thing that could possibly induce me to feed them is their impending starvation. Given Ty's inability to, oh, walk, starvation was actually on the table and I caved. I fed them. Of course, due to my inexperience, I didn't push the futon far enough over their bowl and came home the next day after going to an ultrasound, running Tyson home, driving to work to teach a lab, sprinting out of lab to pick up Cayden, loading Tyson in the car to get to the doctor, waiting at the doctor, and getting take out for dinner to a lovely pile of dog vomit on the living room floor because Roland had eaten all the cat food. Freaking cats. Other entertaining out-takes include 3 year olds and poop (ask in person, it's hysterical), and a leak in my lab right over all the computers. Happily we are all keeping a sense of humor here because we live with Tyson. My personal favorite of his many and varied explanations of what happened to his leg is: "I was saving orphans from a fire [holds up hand to stop listener from interrupting], but I don't like the word hero".
Two weeks post injury we have a better idea what is going on. He partially tore his MCL, completely tore his ACL and bruised the bones on the exterior side of the knee joint. For those of you around in 2003, this is a virtually identical injury to the left knee. And no, he wasn't doing anything dumb, it was an expression of the stochastic nature of our universe. So, 6 weeks in a walking brace, then surgery, then 6 weeks of rehab. In another 11 weeks or so we will see him without a gigantic brace on his leg again. Between the 19 pillows it takes for me to sleep comfortably, Tyson's brace, and Tyson's extra pillows our bed is starting to resemble a complex three dimensional spatial packing problem more than a relaxing place to snooze. Cayden asked to snuggle the other morning and I stared at him as though he had two heads. Where do you imagine you are going to fit child?
As always, our friends and family have been amazing: helping move things, entertaining Cayden, cleaning, and swapping cars with us (thanks Dad!). We continue to be, for some unknown reason, a phenomenally blessed family. Thank you all!
BTW: at that ultrasound we discovered we are having another little boy. While I fear the chaos, I am so excited about brothers. Cayden has given his little brother the in utero nickname of Dune Buggy and now regularly talks to and kisses my belly. It is painfully sweet.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
From Zero to Whining in One Second Flat
Friday, February 11, 2011
40 lb Bag
I've been pretty sedentary, but I'd like to start getting some exercise. Where should I start?
First, check in with your caregiver about your plans. Then, you'll need to start with gentle exercise for short periods of time (about 15 minutes a few times per week) and gradually work up to a longer and more intense daily routine (about half an hour a day). What to do: Walking is the easiest way to get started on a regular fitness program, and it doesn't require any special equipment other than a good pair of walking shoes! Many women enjoy swimming during pregnancy because the water helps hold up their extra weight. Others swear by prenatal yoga to stretch and strengthen their body as well as relieve aches and pains.
Here at Chez Spray it goes something more like this...
I've been pretty sedentary, but I'd like to start getting some exercise. Where should I start?
First, check in with your Sensei to see if he has any 40lb dummy bags to attack. If he doesn't then consider buying one. Once you get your hands on a 40lb bag then begin by insulting it as if it were an unwanted sexual advance. Try yelling such phrases as "Go home!" or "I swear to God if you don't leave me alone I will put you in the hospital." Once you have verbally abused the bag for a couple of minutes you're ready to begin. Your baby likes to be used as weapon, it helps develop the special mother-child bond that is so natural. Start by throwing yourself belly first onto the bag. After you have subdued the bag using your fetus, feel free to start throwing punches, kicks, elbows, pelvic thrusts, and even the occasional headbutt (or Liverpool Kiss as they are known in the UK). A couple of sessions a day should be sufficient to tire you out. Make sure you follow your workout with a couple of raw eggs and a Creatine shake to replace depleted minerals. Others swear by prenatal yoga to stretch and strengthen their body as well as relieve aches and pains.Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Out of the Mouths of Babes
I may not look pregnant to most of the world, but my son has definitely noticed.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Pregnant Brain
- Lost my glasses
- Three days later lost my 6 year old back up glasses (which have thankfully been found)
- Brought down a heating pad, turned on the microwave for TWO MINUTES ON HIGH, opened it up and spend a solid 10 seconds trying to figure out how the microwave made the heating pad disappear before turning around to see it on the table.
- Barely stopped myself from putting Cayden's dinner plate in the trash can instead of the freezer to cool off
- Realized I was putting the heating pad in the fridge instead of the microwave
- Asked a student yesterday, "You have a grad school interview already? Aren't those usually in January?"
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Immunization Season
So, Tyson picks Cayden up at school and tells him that they are going to go get a shot that will keep him from getting sick. Cayden is down with this idea, and gets pretty excited. For the twenty minutes they were in the waiting room, Cayden kept asking, "When are they going to call my name?" and "Is it time for my shot?". When they finally call Cayden's name, he cheerfully goes with Daddy into an exam room. A nurse promptly pokes him in the arm and gives him the shot, resulting in an indignant cry of "OOWWW!". But, he apparently took it well and was happy about the tweety bird bandaid. The ordeal over with, Ty and Cayden troop back down to the car and head home. After a few minutes of quiet contemplation, Cayden pipes up from the back, "Daddy.... the doctor wasn't as much fun as I thought is was going to be".
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Dinner Time Conversation
J: No, it's a word I use so that I don't teach you bad words.
C: Like, stupid is a bad word and you don't want to teach me stupid.
J: That's right. Stupid is a bad word.
C: Yeah, we don't call me stupid.
J: Yes sweetheart.
C: Because when I pinched Alice (annonomyzed), she called me "STUPID BOY"
J: smothers laughter in napkin
T: That is your son.
J: Well sweetheart, she didn't use nice words, but she may have called you stupid because you pinched her.
C: Yeah. Stupid is not a nice thing to call somebody. Daddy, did you hear what happened when Alice called me STUPID BOY?
T: What's that honey?
C: I told my teacher, "Alice called me stupid"
J: What did your teacher do?
C: Um, she put me in time out.
J: Again, probably because you pinched Alice.
C: Yeah
J: Yeah
And with another stroke of luck the mailman arrived a scant 30 minutes before we left to deliver the snowpants that Vavo had sent down. Between the super nice, barely used snowpants and the snow boots from his cousins in Maine my kid was warm and dry the whole afternoon. Which led to a very enjoyable time out on the slopes.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Arsenal vs. Chelsea
Just before the "blizzard" hit, we bailed for Boston to start a new family tradition. Tyson is a rabid Chelsea fan, while Z&K are rabid Arsenal fans. I don't actually care, but am a huge fan of traveling to watch the games on each others home turf. This time Chelsea was playing at Arsenal, so we holed up in Boston, got a sitter and headed to a great soccer bar in Cambridge. Tyson did not end the day happy, but otherwise a good time was had by all. Cayden had an exciting afternoon as well. After telling his sitter that he wanted to go on a train and sledding, she bundled him up, inflated the sled, and packed onto the train to Boston Commons. Apparently, as soon as they got there he fell in a puddle and started crying to go home. So she packed him right back on the train back to Jamaica Plain. Maybe the next sledding trip will be more successful.
Our final day in town was my birthday, which we celebrated by looking at dead animals. Taking Cayden through Harvard's Natural History Museum was a thoroughly entertaining way to spend the day. I topped off the celebration by coercing everybody into ordering amazing Indian takeout, which is possibly worth moving to Boston for. All in all, a good holiday break. We wish you all belated holiday cheer and a Happy New Year!
Zak and Kendra brave the blizzard
Dracolichs love sprinkles
Tyson narrowly escaped with his life